School Code – 25075101
Navoditya Higher Secondary School, Khariar Road, is a prominent educational institution dedicated to providing quality higher secondary education, particularly in the science stream, under the Council of Higher Secondary Education (CHSE), Odisha.

RAHAT CHARITABLE FOUNDATION is registered as per Indian Trust Act of 1882 having DARPAN registration no. OR/2023/0372678 and its registered office at Ward No-06, P.O- Nuapada, Pin-766105, Dist: -Nuapada, Odisha. Trust have been involved for a long time in the Socio, Economic & Cultural related development activities & created with a view for upliftment of downtrodden people by spreading educational, moral, intellectual, charitable, and spiritual reconstruction of the society.


(A) Education: -

1. To establish maintain, run, develop, extend, grant to and donate for educational, institutions including school, college, coaching centres, vocational training centres research centers for the promotion of education and to aid for hostels students towards pursuing their studies.

2. To institute studentships, scholarships, stipends, medals, prizes etc to hold and encourage deserving students and to provide monetary aid to studying, students, scholars and teachers for the purpose of and towards imparting education.

3. To establish, maintain, develop and donate for the establishment, maintenance and development of books, libraries, hostels environmental
education centers & campus.

4. To organize, conduct and assist in the organization and conduct of lectures, seminars, symposia and like on and in respect of environment science and other subject of internal interest to students.

5. Initially the trust running an educational institution “NAVODITYA HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL, KHARIAR ROAD” under RAHAT CHARITABLE

The Higher Secondary School started its operation in the current year 2024, as an intermediate course (11th) having seat strength of 120. The course is recognized by GOVT OF ODISHA, Affiliated to Council of Higher Secondary Education, BBSR.

The main objective of the institution has been to provide quality education to enhance individual performance and elevate professional standards through innovative and result oriented academic inputs.